Sunday, May 18, 2014

Fireberry is one of the web’s foremost logo design agencies. Their highly talked-about specialty? Profitable logo designs based on consumer psychology research.

Yes, Fireberry actually goes out and researches the consumer market you’re trying to reach and they return with feedback that guides them in their initial logo design.

Then they go right back out into the field, show their initial designs around, and get even more feedback. Back to the office. More analyzing of the data. More insight. More awareness of your market. Unfortunately, not everyone gets that kind of service from Fireberry. That level of research and digging and creative work is reserved for their elite Fortune 500 level clients who they charge upwards of one million dollars. Yeah that's no joke.

Of course, few are able to pay for that level of Fireberry’s expertise. Most opt for the $10,000 version, which doesn’t include all the on-the-ground interviews and “street research” and data crunching. But then there’s the simpler, more affordable version. The $1,000 version, their rock bottom price. This is where you can get a Fireberry designed logo that is consistent with all the consumer psychology behavior tests they’ve conducted for your industry in the past. So you're essentially getting a 1 million dollar logo for $1,000.

But hey, should you be spending so much on a logo? You should. Because your logo is the one thing that can separate your company from all others when people are looking at your brand and the image you convey. You see, what you think is your “image” might not be what the consumer sees or wants to see.

Depending on what kind of business you’re in, the consumer has certain expectations of what a good logo is or should be. If you fight those built-in expectations, many of which are programmed since childhood – you lose. But if you have the inside information and consumer-psychology knowledge and expertise like Fireberry does, you can start with what the consumers want or expect to see and meet them right there! Don’t make the consumer come to you. You have to go to the consumer.

That’s the key to successful marketing. And it’s an important psychological point that Fireberry stresses above all others. Meet people where they’re at. That’s not good English grammar, but it gets the point across! This applies visually as well as physically. If your logo doesn’t reach out to the consumer, it’s pointless – and you’ve lost them.

So with Fireberry, you're getting a logo that reaches out to your target market - a logo design that isn't just a great looking icon, image or text but one that brings in greater ROI for you and your business because of all the consumer psychology research that's been put into it. So what you're getting is a top-notch Fireberry logo for a mere fraction of what the high-level custom-service oriented clients get.

Is it worth it? I really do think so. A logo that's been designed through in-depth industry research really pays off for companies that want every edge they can get over their competition. Depending on the industry you’re in, this can often mean a difference of hundreds of millions of dollars to a client’s bottom line.

You might not be that big. However, you can still look you are. And you should! I firmly believe you should do everything you have to make your company stand out among all the rest.

Money Back Guarantee

This might sound weird, but Fireberry actually guarantees that your logo will cause a noticeable increase in your bottom line business after one year of use. You get your money back if your logo didn’t do what it was supposed to do, or wasn’t everything you were expecting.

One last thing. I forgot to tell you that Fireberry's logos also come with a detailed explanation of the core psychological principles used in the design. The artist includes his/her notes to make it easier for you to understand how your logo is going to help you better your ROI. This is the best way to turn modern science into something useful for growing your business in one easy step. Your logo means more than you might think. And now you can get one that makes people buy. I say, act now!

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